Friday, March 4, 2011

Alleppey - the right spot to do a freelance experiment

Before meeting my Austrian friends in Kochi I already had stayed at a great place in Alleppey, so when Marlene and Wolfgang decided to check out the back waters as well I just brought them back here. Run by some young Indian Bob Marley imitations this Traveler´s home consist in 6 small double houses with verandas and something which with some fantasy reminds on a front garden.
As my friend Peter and his friend still were here I felt a bit like at home, having my friends as next door neighbors ;) We all had a great time together having Chai on the veranda, going to town to try out legendary places like "The Indian Coffee House" and doing a boat trip through the smaller channels of the back waters. In the morning Marlene and I did Yoga together, so I even had the chance to practice my teaching skills with my first student.
I already had started to get used to this sweet way of living, when all my friends left the same morning, which confronted me with being all by myself for the first time in the past two months. All of a sudden I had to create my own structure again and decide how to move on. As I have been feeling very comfortable at this place and as they have free WIFI here, I decided to stay and work on a freelance project a good friend of mine passed me on. This gives me the opportunity to find out how well I can do a job sitting on a veranda in India… For now I can tell you that it is not so easy to sit down and work while all the people around you are enjoying their holidays, but of course I prefer to work like this than sitting in an office ;))) So I try to get up early every day and start the day with Yoga and meditation before I work for some time on the computer.
A few days ago I met 2 young Tirolean couples, which makes this place feel a bit more like home again. We went to a beach near by and enjoyed incredibly tasty pineapples and other fruits on plates we had woven out of palm leaves ;)

My dear friends and family, I miss you all...


  1. Hi Vlo-Bro, fein dass du das Leben (und ein bissl Arbeit) in Indien so genießt. Das kann ich gut nachvollziehen - auf einer Veranda oder einem Balkon arbeitet es sich leichter als im Office - so gesehen hat Freelancing gewisse Vorteile. I miss you as well a lot - wann kommst wieder zurück? Big hug & cuddles, Lio-sis

  2. hi volker!

    tolle bilder und berichte wie bisher! das eine bild wo du durch das regal durchfotografiert hast auf den fluss hinaus, finde ich genial!
    schoen dass du von freunden und heimischen leuten umgeben bist und die zeit mit ihnen geniesst/genossen hast! einen geregelten tag mit aufstehen, yoge und arbeiten auf der veranda wirst du sicher bald finden, wenn nicht ist es doch auch nicht schlimm- geniesse indien in seinen tollen zuegen wie bisher!
    ich vermisse dich auch sehr und freu mich wenn ich dich ueber skype sehen kann oder spaestens in ein paar monaten wieder in die arme schliessen kann! pass auf dich weiterhin gut auf! big hug and a lot of cuddles!!!

  3. Is that really Jesus on the picture ? ))) Have u met any christian indians there ?

  4. yep, this is Jesus... I guess in India you can find anything )))

  5. Hey Volker, just to say I absolutely love reading about your adventures, it´s such an uplifting feeling to remember India, this time through your eyes. Keep up the yoga!

  6. Guzman, que bueno saber de ti!!! Me alegra mucho que te guste el blog ;)
    Llevo practicando Yoga casi a diario desde Enero y me siento muy bien con ello. Ahora solo me falta incluir una buena practica de meditación...
    En Abril participaré en un Vipassana y un curso de meditación en Dharamshala, así que ya iré aprendiendo ;)
    Te mando un abrazo muy grande, hasta pronto por los Madriles

  7. Volkiiiiiii!!! Qué bien saber todo lo que estás haciendo por allí...Yoga, meditación y además...algún curro freelance!!

    Es increíble todo lo que estás aprovechando este viaje, no? Ya sabes que me alegro muchísimo por ti :)

    Por aquí, todo bien. Ya más o menos acoplada a la vuelta y ... Echándote de menos!! Jo, el otro día pasé por Apodaca y no veas lo que me acordé de ti...

    Muchos besos y sigue disfrutando amigo!!! En Madrid te esperamos, you know :)


  8. Miss u too V!
    You know my advice : enjoy every minute
    but I think you're already doing that
    so keep it up! Looking fwd to a photo viewing evening when you talk us all through your adventures the way you do here, but live!
    Lots of luz blanca

  9. Dear Arnaud, thank you so much for your good wishes and advice. I will not let you all go through one more photo show and bore you to death ;)))

    Big hug...
