Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jaislamer - The golden city

After the rather trashy experience in Bikaner we were very happy to come to a tranquil and clean place with a great view and hot water. We dropped our stuff and went to see the still habituated Fort with it´s impressing walls, small streets and hidden places. This place reminded me on Dubrovnik, only that it is surrounded by the desert instead of the sea. Inside the walls we passed by one shop after the other with people trying to establish a communication with us in order to do sell their products. We tried to take things with humor and philosophy and after a short walk we found some hidden corners which seemed not to get a visit by tourists very often -- generally I don´t like tourists, too bad I am considered a tourist too ;)
We observed a family preparing dinner, the husband milked the cow, while the grammy prepared chapatis (a very simple pancake made of flavor, water and salt) and the little daughter was teasing her smaller brother until he cried and got rescued by his mother.
It was a strange feeling, sitting there and observing, because I did not want to appear indiscreet or disrespectful. We enjoyed the sunset at a very nice panorama-spot on the walls of the fort and imagined how it would be to have this view every day ;)


  1. would be very very beautiful )

  2. Hi Bro,

    seems you enjoy your trip. I like to read your adventures and stories. Go on like this.
    Kiss Aiga

  3. hi bruderherz! mmmh, sehr schoene fotos!! so wie du indien erlebst, mit einheimischen zu essen und abseits der touristenpfade... das gefaellt mir! leider geht mir das hier insyd derzeit etwas ab! hier sind so viele asiaten! fuehle mich eher noch wie auf besuch in china...
    nein ich geniese es hier sehr!
    erlebe weiterhin so viel tolles! pass auf dich gut auf, big hug r

  4. Hi Bruderherz, super tolle stories und pics. finde ich toll, wie du deine reise gestaltest und was du / ihr alles erlebt. mach's weiter so gut, wünsche dir weiter viele spannende erlebnisse, big hug, lilo
