Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gaya - the ugly duck

Leaving behind Bodagya I left to take the night train form Gaya to Kolkatta …not without living a few adventures on the way. The tuck tuck drove the 13 km to Gaya racing against the sinking sun, as the province Bihar is famous for muggings and robberies on the intercontinental-streets. It was not easy for me to relax on this trip over speed-pumps without suspension, thinking of the crime-stories I was told by several persons and institutions. How ever the tuck tuck reached Gaya right after sunset and dropped me at the railway station.
As my train was scheduled to leave some 4 hours later I had plenty of time to pass, so I went to the only restaurant I could find near the station, feeling a bit sick and nauseas after the ride. To my surprise I found out, that I was only welcome to have a quick dinner, but not to read a book or rest at this place. The waiters of this almost empty restaurant must have had some experiences with tourists who came to pass time. Not too happy about the treatment received I thought I was much cleverer than them and did the following: I went back to avery trashy hostel I had seen before and pretended to be waiting for some travel maid at the "lobby" (you would not recognise it as such), as there was a toilet and a sink. I brushed my teeth, went to the toilet and even changed my clothes to be prepared for the rather cold train-trip. When I was about to leave, satisfied that I had beaten the Indians with their own weapons -- in order to get what they want from you many Indians are ready to tell you the most skilled and imaginative stories -- when a gorilla like guy (maybe the manager or the door-man) appeared in front of my accusing me of having caused a financial loss to this hostel by using the toilet (after having asked for permission). As I had lied before that I was waiting for a friend and think of staying over night at this hostel, I did my best to sustain my story and make this rather aggressive guy calm down. Lots of adrenalin rushed into my veins and I was thinking of dropping my backpack in order to be able to fight back in case it would come that far, when the colleague of the gorilla finally whistled him back and told me to leave in peace.
I admit, that I dissevered a little punishment after having crossed the line trying to play a game who´s rules don´t seem to apply to westerners. How ever, I came to the conclusion that Gaya is not going to become more for travellers that it is now: a place you have to pass through in order to reach Bodgaya, like in the fairy tale of the ugly duck…


  1. Lieber Volker!
    Ganz nett spannend, hoffentlich nicht zu gewagt.
    Ich wünsche dir aus der Ferne einen guten Rutsch - schreib weiter so fleißig.
    Liebe Grüße aus der Eremitage - Papa

  2. Hey, you didn´t deserve any punishment )You did no harm to anyone. Under such harsh circumstances.. you know ) such actions are quite acceptable, if not even necessary, for one´s survival..
    And talking about surviving ) this ability of yours is just impressive ) I´m sure you would handle in any situation ;)

  3. hi volker! hej, das ist ja furchtbar! gott sei dank ist nochmals alles gut gegangen, aber bitte provoziere nicht weitere solche situationen! ich wuensche dir einen schoenen aufenthalt in bodgaya und einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr!! big hug, pass auf dich auf, schoene abenteuer in indien, weiterhin viel energie fuer deinen trip, dein schwesterchen

  4. ...hmmm, and I thought I wrote a funny story ;) Thank you very much for caring about me in such a kind way, but please don t worry too much about me, I have the feeling that my intuition is leading me well and that a small lesson now and then makes me grow and become more aware ;)

  5. Hola Volker, qué tal fue el retiro? por aquí se te echa de menos en las clases. Un abrazo y sigue escribiendo tanto que así viajamos contigo.

  6. hey volker! spannend, spannend... zum glück ja nochmals alles gut ausgegangen. sollten wir einander nicht mehr hören - einen guten rutsch und noch viel spaß auf deiner reise.

    lg o.
