Monday, February 7, 2011

TTC absolved!!!

Hi dear friends and family, I know it has been a bit silent here during the past month, while I was busy with the TTC. This education was very demanding and intense, so in the rather short periods of free time I tried to stay focused, relax and avoid the internet, as it tends to consume rather much time and energy. 2 days ago I absolved the final exam and can call myself a Sivananda Yoga teacher now ;) …which is not really what I was aiming for, I just wanted to gain a good foundation of Yoga for my every day life and maybe start teaching little by little one day next to graphic design- , web- and music-projects. I am happy I absolved this education and persisted during the not so easy periods. Many things started moving, old thoughts, emotions and feelings form rather profound layers started to come to the surface in order to be attended and dissolved. During this month I have become more sensitive towards my intuition and different kinds of influences and energies.
Imagine how many things change, when you do healthy physical exercise together with organic and vegetarian diet for your body, meditation and concentration training for your mind, and more subtle training on the soul-level. It was beautiful to observe how people around me transformed and started to shine during the past weeks.
Unfortunately my camera is dying (the zoom does not work any more and the flash screws up the pictures) and it would have been very difficult anyways to show the beauty of some magical moments… how ever, I uploaded some more pictures on the album of the past entry, I hope you like the pictures...


  1. The photos are beautiful and you look so happy there ! )

  2. hi volker!
    gratulation zu deinem sivananda yoga abschluss! es ist schoen zu hoeren, dass es dir gut geht!
    wau, das sind echt tolle fotos! du siehst wirklich sehr gluecklich und relaxed aus und hast sichtlich auch viel spass gehabt!
    dass jetzt viele gedanken und gefuehle hochkommen, kann ich verstehen. nimm dir zeit!
    ich hoffe wir hoeren uns bald mal! freu mich dich wieder zu hoeren/bald auch sehen, oder?!?!
    pass auf dich auf und geniesse die zeit in indien weiterhin! wie lange bleibst u noch im sueden? wo soll es danach hingehen?
    big hug little-sis

  3. Hey Volker!
    Schön wieder einmal von dir zu hören. Es freut mich, dass du eine schöne Zeit verbringen konntest und für dich Zeit fandest.
    Vielleicht hören wir einander bald über Skype, hugs Oskar

  4. Hey Vlo-Bro,

    das freut mich riesig für dich, dass du eine so gute und intensive Zeit beim TTC erlebt hast und - so ganz nebenbei ;-) Sivananda Yoga Teacher geworden bist. Ich kann es dir gut nachvollziehen (Qigong am Meer, Musikkurse), welche Wandlung du gemacht hast, es ist schön dich so glücklich und gelöst zu sehen. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf unsere en-face Gespräche. Wann bist du wieder zurück?

    Ganz viele liebe Umarmungen, deine Lio-Sis.

  5. well done :)
    i read your posts and i can feel that you are gaining new levels.
    i send you strenght and all the best, dear friend.

  6. Muchas gracias, danke and thank you all for your comments. Like this I feel the warmth of you all which aliments my courage to move on in the surge for inner happiness, peace and personal groth. I know this sounds a bit esoteric, but in the end this comes much closer to my personal definition of success in life than status, wealth and image...
    I send a big hug to all of you and will do my best to post some more impressions and pictures soon...

  7. Me encantaron las fotos y lo que cuentas, sería tan bonito poder vivir algo así. Te deseo de corazon que lo disfrutes al 100%. Un abrazo fuerte. Eugenia.

  8. Eugenia, muchas gracias por tos comentarios y buenos deseos!!! Eres una aventurera también, así que seguro que acabarás yendo a la India un día también ;)
